
Getting the most from therapy

From our service users to you…

“Push yourself out your comfort zones and come along. You don't know what you may get from the sessions and even if it's nothing you can say you've tried it. You can do it!”

“They have a lot of services to offer, however, you have to be willing and in the right place to engage in treatments and don't be afraid to question and work together with your therapist.”

“Highly recommended it, need to be fully committed to taking on the responsibility for your own self-improvement.”

“Try it, do the homework and give it your best, you will get relief from it.”

“Swallow your pride and trust the course to be able to help.”

"I would encourage an open mind to treatment / support. Particularly the group setting which I initially worried about.”

“Not every technique will work for you, but some will; use them.”

“I would encourage people to go for it and to continue and not give up.”

“Helpful as long as one puts the work in.”

“Go for it and finish it. Keep it up until the end, it's worth it.”

“I can’t say it won’t be challenging but equally it will be rewarding.”

“Do it! It's not easy, but it is very worthwhile.”

Other reflections shared:

Considering a referral

Our reception team

Therapy with us

Our employment team


Make the first step

We know the courage it takes to ask for help, and we hope you’ll consider therapy with us. Read more about what to expect if you refer.

Talking Change is for everyone aged sixteen or over, who live in Portsmouth and are registered with a GP in the city.

You can self-refer by calling us on 0300 123 3934 or by completing this secure form online.

Urgent help

Talking Change is not an emergency mental health service for people in crisis. Support is available from specialist services if urgent help is needed.